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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

From Dr. Carolyn Broe

Bowing Terms

By Carolyn Broe

Collé - like a martelé and a spiccato combined. It starts on the string, pinch the string, then immediately after the attack lift off the string.
Detaché - simple detaché is separate bows with no variation of pressure.
Accented detaché starts each stroke with an accent or articulation, no air between notes.
Detaché lance is a short stroke that slows at the end of each stroke. There is a clear break between strokes.
Detaché porte has a slight swelling in the middle, then taper off.
Legato - slurring two or more notes on a bow. Care must be taken on string or bow changes.
Louré - Detaché porte in a series of strokes performed under the same bow.
Martelé - a sharp attack made by pinching the string with the bow. The fingers of the right hand must be flexible. It starts with pressure, pinch with fingers, move the bow and release the pressure.
Portato - (see louré) same as parlondo.
Porte - a swelling of the note followed by a lightening at the end of the stroke.
Ricochet - using the natural bounce of the stick to play several notes on the same bow. The bow is thrown on the string. This can be done up bow or down bow with one impulse.
Sautillé - Jumping bow, this stroke is not controlled, but relies on the resiliency of the bow. It is executed just below the middle of the bow at the balance point (bounce point). This stroke is a combination of detaché (horizontal) and spiccato (vertical) strokes. It is actually a diagonal stroke which is done with the hand rather than the arm.
Son file- long tones on the bow. One must be careful that the bow changes are smooth, and that the tone is even.
Spiccato - The bow is dropped from the air, and leaves the string after each note. It is a controlled stroke that bounces off of the string.
Staccato - The bow remains on the string, with short articulated consonants on each stroke. The pressure is released after each note.
Whipped (fouette) - This stroke is derived from an accented detaché. Lift the bow off the string and strike down suddenly.

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