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Friday, April 15, 2011

Beethoven's First String Quartets

String Quartets Nos. 1 – 6, Opus 18 (Beethoven) From Wikipedia
Ludwig van Beethoven's opus 18, published in 1801 by T. Mollo et Comp in Vienna, consisted of his first six string quartets. They were composed between 1798 and 1800 to fulfill a commission for Prince Lobkowitz, who was the employer of Beethoven's friend, the violinist Karl Amenda. They are thought to demonstrate his total mastery of the classical string quartet as developed by Haydn and Mozart. The order of publication (numbering within the opus) does not correspond to the order of composition. Beethoven composed these quartets in the sequence 3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4. See:

The Wikipedia article has links for an analysis of each quartet.

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